"Ragna Crimson" is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Daiki Kobayashi. It is a dark fantasy series that follows the adventures of a young boy named Crimson Ragna, who hunts down dragons in a world where they are feared and hunted by humans. The manga explores themes of revenge, redemption, and the complex relationship between humans and dragons.
The story is set in a world where dragons are both powerful and terrifying creatures, and the protagonist, Crimson Ragna, seeks to avenge the death of his parents, who were killed by a dragon when he was a child. He becomes a skilled dragon hunter and is determined to take down the dragon responsible for his family's tragedy.
As the series progresses, Ragna's quest for revenge leads him to confront not only dangerous dragons but also the moral complexities of his mission. He encounters various characters, each with their own motives and agendas, adding depth and intrigue to the story.
"Ragna Crimson" has gained popularity for its unique take on the dragon-hunting genre and its compelling characters. It has been praised for its art style and world-building, making it an engaging read for fans of dark fantasy manga.